『英語で楽しむ赤毛のアン』(松本侑子/対訳・解説、the japan times出版)をガイド役に、以下の原文を読みました。
CHAPTER IX. Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified
“It was too bad there was such a mistake,” said Mrs. Rachel sympathetically. “Couldn’t you have sent her back?”
“I suppose we could, but we decided not to. Matthew took a fancy to her. And I must say I like her myself—although I admit she has her faults. The house seems a different place already. She’s a real bright little thing.”
Marilla said more than she had intended to say when she began, for she read disapproval in Mrs. Rachel’s expression.
「家の中が以前とはもう見違えるよう。」(The house seems a different place already.)とは、マリラの本心だったでしょう。それに対し、レイチェル・リンドは嫌味を言いたくて、もとい、隣人を心配する言葉をかけたくて仕方がない様子です。
このあと、レイチェル・リンドの口から、「まるで人参のような髪!(hair as red as carrots!)」が飛び出します。